Game Jams
What are Game Jams?
Making games is my passion. Early in my career, I needed some ways to gather experience.
Game Jam events are for that: They allow me to make a lot of errors that must be learned and avoided in long projects. What you live during a 6 month project, is here shrinked and experienced during 48 hours !
It has the following objectives I love:
- Challenge ! A game within a short time, from scratch to end.
- No limits but the time.
- Working with friends or unknown coworkers, we are only there to create games.
- It’s stimulating to make hundreds of decisions within 48 hours… instead of 48 month.
Sifteo “Experimental Gameplay Contest” (prototype): Pub Roulette
(look for a comment made by “SHIFTYWEB” to get our submission)
Global Game Jam 2013: Sweet Therapy Disaster
Ludum Dare 23: Interstellar Moai Ranger => Interstellar Moai Ranger
Note for viewers: don’t miss the huge evil threat coming at 3:10 in the video.
Global Game Jam 2012: Welcome To The Freak Show (WTFs)
Ludum Dare 21: Pastagus Fantasy
Global Game Jam 2011: MasterBeer

The game is about smashing your mouse by clicking every bubbles before they get out of the bottle after its been opened. Doing so “converts” bubbles back to beer. Your goal is to get as much as possible (perfect is 33cl).
This game is “special”: the Global Game Jam asks teams to create a game in 48 hours. But this time, after 43 hours, me and my team haven’t been capable to have an understandable gameplay.
After the team decided to start over a previous prototype they already worked on (outside GGJ), I tought it wasn’t the GGJ “spirit” and decided to start on my own a new game from scratch as expected in such events. Masterbeer is born after 5 hours of work, with the quick help of other “jammers” for graphics and sound.
Global Game Jam 2010: Car Crusher